Rebecca Loves: Beauty Blender!
I bought a beauty blender a while back and for some reason I didn't really like it. About a month ago I took it out again and absolutely love it. I usually wet the beauty blender and squeeze out the water so it's damp. Then I put some foundation on the back of my hand and dab the beauty blender into it. They come in different shapes too.
I absolutely love using it. The results are amazing. I find you get a really flawless looking finish. It takes a little longer to apply the foundation but the results are better. I also find I use 2 pumps of foundation with the beauty blender as opposed to 1 pump with a brush. The pointed end is great for blending in concealer and for applying foundation under the eyes and around the nose.
They're really inexpensive too which is great. The real techniques ones are roughly around €6. I also have two ones that I got on eBay for about a euro. They're great if you just want to try them out and you won't hate yourself if you don't like it as it was so cheap!
I definitely recommend them. They give a flawless finish and give much better coverage than a brush.