Monday, 23 January 2017

My 2017 Resolutions

Seeing as my last post was a reflection on 2016, I thought I would set out my goals and resolutions for this year! This year I'm hoping they'll be more achievable than last year's ones :P

In 2017 I hope to...

 Travel more and see new places (this one will always be a goal!)
Start driving
Start making YouTube videos on my own YouTube channel
Get 5000 followers on instagram
Be more consistent with blog posts 
♥ Get 2000 subscribers on our YouTube Vlog Channel
Cleanse and look after my skin regularly

Monday, 16 January 2017

A 2016 Reflection - What Did I Achieve?

Last year I wrote a post on whether I achieved my 2015 goals and I thought I'd do the very same this year. Back in January 2016, I made a list of goals to achieve within the year so I'm writing this post now to see whether or not these goals were met.

In 2016 I hoped to...

♥  Travel more and go to at least one place that I haven't been before - Success! In 2016 we went to London, Barcelona (which was a new city for me), Florida and Paris. 


♥  Eat healthier - I'm just gonna be honest here and say this was a huge fail! Like why did I even think I could achieve this?! I'm a pizza gal at heart what can I say! There was also peppers in this rice - does that count as healthy eating?!

♥  Exercise more - nope! FAIL!

♥  Move out - success! Ok so I did cheat with this goal as when I wrote the post last January we had already bought our house :P but in saying that, things could have fallen through! This was by far the best thing about 2016 and I'm so looking forward to seeing what home DIY and decor projects 2017 has for us.

♥  Get a driving licence and start driving - success-ish! I got my provisional licence and did one driving lesson :P does that count?!

♥  Reach 1000 YouTube subscribers - success! We're now on 1200 and excited to seeing how far we can go in 2017.

♥  Start making more videos on my own YouTube channel - FAIL!!!! Didn't even consider this one :P

♥  Reach 5000 Facebook likes - NOPE! Far from it at 1600! Facebook has been a BITCH for business pages this year so how many people see your post has significantly reduced and they just want you to start paying to advertise! I don't tend to post on Facebook much so I've decided to mainly focus on my Instagram and Snapchat (rfairydustblog).

♥  Be more consistent with blog posts - Ya not so much! To be fair it has been a very busy year for us especially at the beginning of the year with all the house stuff! This year I'll be better (ya I know I say this every year :P)

I'll be doing another blog post soon on my 2017 resolutions as it's always fun to come back to at the end of the year and see what I have accomplished.