My name is Rebecca Casey, I'm 26, from Cork in Ireland and a lover of make up, fashion and travelling!
In May 2013, I embarked on this incredible journey that began as just a hobby (and an escape from Final Year college exams!) but quickly developed into something much bigger. Little did I know, I would fall head over heels in love with the blogging world and so, as a result, Rainbows & Fairydust became my new love.
Rainbows & Fairydust allows me to express my inner beauty junkie and fashion diva all in one. It allows me to share great products, new purchases and life thoughts with my readers. It is a place for me to escape to; an ideal world where everything is filled with Rainbows & Fairydust. All that glitters is gold right?
Join me in my own fashion and beauty obsessed world, that is, Rainbows & Fairydust.
Want to know more? It's all here!
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