Summer Wardrobe Clear-Out!
Hola Fashionistas!
So now that I am finished college and have way too much time on my hands...I had to soon face the inevitable that is the nightmare clearance of my wardrobe. I have been putting this off for way too long now so I figured the sooner I do it the better.
Two weeks ago I cleared out my shoes and managed to fill 2 bags! On Wednesday I cleared out my clothes and dumped 4 bags! I have far more clothes that what my wardrobe can hold but I'm sure that's every girl's problem! Anyway, I threw out a lot of old clothes and things I just don't wear. I have loads of space now and it's far more cleaner (it won't last long I'm sure).
It feels really weird looking at my wardrobe now with it not being so crammed and I'm not sure I like it! I think I need to fill the leftover space and that calls for some shopping! So I think I'll have to start purchasing a few summer items soon which I will share with you here! Talk soon!
Keep Stylin'
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